Lake Ayurveda


Joint Care Treatment

Joint pain is a severe concern that is prevalent amongst not just the elderly but also the younger generation. It can range from mild to serious pain in the knees, hands, hips, spine, and feet. These areas can feel sore, achy, or stiff right after waking up and loosen up with movement. People are spending less time engaging in physical activities day by day. The inactivity of the mind and body has plagued us rapidly, and as a consequence, people are experiencing muscle and joint pain. Constant pain can also lead to more serious concerns in the future.

Natural Ways to Take Care of Your Joints

It is no secret that Ayurvedic medicines for Joint pain treatment in delhi and muscle pain are considered the most effective. But apart from these herbal remedies, there are also natural ways in which individuals can heal themselves, though this works best when coupled with the Ayurvedic supplements.

  • A few natural remedies for joint and muscle pains include: Getting enough exercise depends on lifestyle, age, and deficiencies. Finding the proper workout is vital as every body type is different, and a more rigorous regimen could cause more damage than it helps.
  • Having the right diet resolves many issues, not just ones about the joints and muscles. The right balance of fruits, vegetables, proteins, et cetera is vital in aiding good health.
  • Having the right lifestyle is another key component in having good health. Sleeping right, eating right, exercising, and having a stress-free mental state contribute to the ideal state where the individual is in the pink of health. While it may be hard for a person to achieve all this, Ayurvedic supplements are great boosters.

Joint Care with Lake Ayurveda

A fundamental concept in Ayurveda Joint care pain treatment ayurvedic in Delhi is the unique constitution of the three Doshas in the human body — Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Balancing these Doshas at their unique levels ideally determines an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional state. An imbalance in the Vata can play a huge role in inhibiting motor skills and causing issues with the muscles and joints. The condition of Vata imbalance leads to lower absorption of vital nutrients that act as fluids for the joints. Without it, the joints and muscles become stiff, causing discomfort with various motor skills. Lake Ayurveda has a host of Ayurvedic medicines for joint and muscle pain and has provided thousands of customers with relief.

Let’s take a trip back in time. Our ancestors led an active lifestyle throughout their life. Back then, crops and vegetables weren’t loaded with chemicals and offered the nutrients cooked in a homely environment. Transport was scarce, and cubicles didn’t exist. One had to walk miles on end or toil away to enjoy a hearty meal throughout the day.

Today, sedentary lifestyles, driving to get to the shop right around the corner, and work stress have led us to embrace shortcuts and technology to get things done. The human body does not get the right workout it needs, day in and day out. Our joints are the part that endures this inactive lifestyle. Walk up to any child today and ask them to sit cross-legged; you’ll see they cannot maintain that posture over 10 minutes.

Lake Ayurveda is effective Joint pain treatment in Delhi which helps relieve inflammatory reactions and pain for men and women of all ages through Orthe-fort. Lake Ayurveda extracts the plan’s active elements to preserve the balance in which they exist in nature, resulting in products with superior bioavailability and thus are more effective than usual plant-based medicines.

Lake Ayurveda Medicine for Joint Care problem

Here’s a list of ingredients that go into our Joint Care Treatment in ayurveda delhi gastro help products..

  • Ashwagandha Panchage
  • Meethi Dana
  • Sudha Kuchla
  • Kikar Phali
  • Surajan Shri
  • Sunehra Guggal
  • Hadjod
  • Harar Chilka
  • Behera chilka

Dosage: Take 2-5 gm powder at bedtime with warm water or as directed by the physician. This will work as effective Joint care pain treatment ayurvedic in delhi.

Constipation Treatments


Constipation occurs when bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass. It happens most often due to changes in diet or routine or inadequate intake of fiber. If you have severe pain, blood in your stools, or constipation that lasts longer than three weeks, you should call your doctor for constipation treatment in delhi.

Many factors may upset your GI tract and its motility (ability to keep moving), including:

  • Eating a diet low in fiber.
  • Not getting enough exercise.
  • Traveling or other changes in routine.
  • Eating large amounts of dairy products.
  • Stress.
  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, possibly because of hemorrhoids.
  • Overusing anti-diarrheal medications that, over time, weaken the bowel muscle movements called motility.
  • Taking antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminium.
  • Take certain medicines (especially antidepressants, iron pills, and strong pain medicines such as narcotics).

How can I naturally improve my digestive system?

Here are some suggestions to follow:

  • Uses these spices while cooking your food – turmeric, cumin, fennel seeds, coriander, and hing (asafoetida)
  • Have ginger tea twice a day
  • Avoid consuming cold or iced liquids
  • Don’t keep snacking when not hungry
  • Additionally, to keep gastric concerns at bay, you can try out Kerala Ayurveda’s range of produc

Lake Ayurveda Medicine for Gastric and Constipation problem

Here’s a list of ingredients that go into our constipation treatment in ayurveda delhi gastro help products..

  • Foeniculum Vulgare (Saunf)
  • Opereculina Turpethum (Nishoth)
  • Ipomoea hederacea (Kala Dana)
  • Senna (Sanaye)
  • Black Salat (Kala Namak)
  • Ammonium Chloride(Nausadder)
  • Phyllanthus Emblica (Amla)
  • Terminalia Chebula (Harad)
  • Terminalia bellirica (Behera)
  • Plantago avata (Plantogo Avata)

Dosage: Take 2-5 gm powder at bedtime with warm water or as directed by the physician. 

Immunity Booster Treatment


While immunity against diseases has always been crucial for the human race, the COVID outbreak highlighted its utmost importance. Whether it’s the common cold or a more severe flu, a robust immune system can help keep many health concerns at bay. But, how do you develop immunity? Or how to even find a natural immunity booster?

Ayurveda takes a holistic approach to boost immunity. For example, the following tips can work as some of the best immunity boosters.

  • Use Ayurvedic Concoctions: An Ayurvedic concoction made by mixing various herbs and spices and boiled is known as Kadha. As Indians, many of us might have heard this word. Kadha can help eliminate the common cold and may as well give relief from sore throat.
  • Additionally,  herbs and spices such as Dalchini (cinnamon), Tulsi (basil), and pepper. It can help boost the immune system.
  • Practice Yoga and Breathing Exercises: Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can help keep your body flexible and mind peaceful. Breathing exercises can also help boost the overall immunity and stamina.
  • Physical Exercise: Physical exercise can work as a natural immunity booster. It can help boost stamina, keep your body fit, keep weight under control, and thus, keep diseases at bay. Adding some physical workouts to your daily routine can really help you boost your general immunity.

Ayurvedic Immunity Booster Supplements:

Lake Ayurveda store has immunity booster powder and similar supplements. which has active elements of the following herbs:

  • Carica Papaya (Papita Patra)
  • Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloy)
  • Ocimum Tenuifiorum (Tulsi Patra)
  • Azadirachta Indica (Neem Patra)
  • Curcuma Longa (Haldi)
  • Withania Somnifera ( Ashwagandha)
  • Boerhavia Diffusa (Purnarnava)
  • Andrographis paniculata ( Kalmegh)

Dosage: Take 2-5 gm powder at bedtime with warm water or as directed by the physician.

Diabetes Treatments


Diabetes is a group of related diseases that affect the body’s natural ability to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the primary source of energy for our cells and the source of fuel for our brain.

Blood glucose levels in healthy individuals are regulated by several hormones, including insulin, allowing glucose to be used for fuel. But in the case of individuals with Diabetes, the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin (called type 1 diabetes) or isn’t capable of using it well (called type 2 diabetes). In some cases of Diabetes, both conditions can occur. According to the best diabetes specialist treatment in delhi glucose is not efficiently incorporated into the cells, it stays in the blood resulting in serious problems.

Lake Ayurveda View

As the sugar levels increase in the blood, its presence can be detected in the urine. Diabetes is referred to as Madhumeha in Ayurveda, where “Madhu” means honey and “Meha” is to urinate. Ayurveda understands that Diabetes is caused by multiple factors, including the tendencies inherited at birth and the imbalance of all the three doshas. However, Diabetes is majorly categorized as Vataj Meha – a condition resulting from the aggravation of Vata. Diabetes affects all the vital organs of the body and deteriorates the “dhatus” or body tissues. These symptoms are also associated with the impairment of Vata. You need to consult with a diabetes specialist doctor treatment in delhi.

Tips to control your Diabetes:  

Get up early: Getting up early in the morning will help take some time out for exercise. A good brisk walk in the morning is the best form of exercise for people with diabetes. They can also try yoga and meditation to relieve stress and clear their mind. Jogging, cycling, and swimming can be done according to health conditions.

A glass of lukewarm water with two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice is a great way to start the day.

Breakfast: Eating a breakfast with high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrates can help to reduce fasting blood sugar, A1c, and weight. Diabetics can include eggs, unsweetened oatmeal, whole-grain bread, cottage cheese, fruits, and nuts in their breakfast.

Lunch: Lightly cooked green vegetables like cabbage, spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, turnips, etc., can be eaten for lunch. In addition, whole wheat bread, sprouts, salad, boiled rice, and lentils are good options for lunch.

Healthy snacks: As people with diabetes shouldn’t remain on empty stomachs for long, they must carry filling snacks. They can choose a handful of nuts and seeds over cheese, chips, or crackers in the evening, they can have a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice.

Daytime sleep: Sleeping during the day must be avoided. It increases Kledaka Kapha, a sub-doshas of Kapha that can hinder proper digestion.

Dinner: It is healthy to have a light dinner. For dinner, diabetics can choose something like boiled vegetables, sprouts, cottage cheese, or a salad bowl. Ideally, dinner must be completed at least two hours before going to bed.

Bedtime: Going to bed early is vital. Adequate rest is necessary to control diabetes as well as for overall health.  

Lake Ayurveda Diabetes Medicine:

Ayurveda has long been known as one of the simplest and potentially effective improving and maintaining human health. While Ayurveda has many ways to deal with various health concerns, it also takes a holistic approach to treating diabetes. Lake Ayurveda can help procure and maintain good health in the long run.

In most cases, the effective Ayurvedic sugar medicine is rich in the following ingredients:

  • Trivang Bhashma
  • Abharakh Bhashma
  • Kutki
  • Jamun Seeds
  • Kerela
  • Gudmar Leaf
  • Neem Fruit
  • Kikkar Fruit
  • Methika Seeds
  • Vijaysaar
  • Gudduchi
  • Kalmegh

Dosage: Take 2-5 gm powder at bedtime with warm water or as directed by the physician. 

Male Issue Treatment


Men’s health is an often overlooked problem. Men of all ages, when faced with issues of decreased stamina, vigor, and libido, men of all ages often panic and don’t seek out a proper solution.

The underlying reason for male health issues is primarily stress and stress-related outcomes. Work pressure, traffic, and built-up emotional and personal issues are huge contributors to stress. When external factors contribute to throwing internal calm out of balance, concerns such as prostate enlargement/pain, sexual dysfunction, and other cardiovascular diseases might arise.

As men age, issues related to the prostate start to arise, such as frequent urges to urinate, dribbling, weak-flowing streams, pain during urination, or ejaculation. The proper medication combined with a healthy lifestyle and diet can help improve prostate health. Prostate health can also be enhanced with Lake Ayurveda men’s health supplement

Lake Ayurveda men’s health supplements offered by Lake Ayurveda aid in forming dhatus (meaning tissues) and play a key role in enhancing Ojas, an indicator of our inner essence. Lake Ayurveda medicine for men’s health rejuvenation rejuvenates the senses and helps with regulating bodily functions such as blood circulation and digestion.

With Lake Ayurveda supplements, men also need to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

Activities like walking, running, cycling, and swimming for at least 30 minutes a day can make a significant difference in sexual health and help lead a content, fulfilling life.

In such cases, you must understand that such setbacks can usually be addressed with slight changes to lifestyle and the appropriate nourishment. Hence the Lake Ayurveda men’s health supplements help in the holistic development of a person by acting on both physical and mental health.

Common Herbs for Men’s Health:

Some of the common herbs found in Lake Ayurveda men’s health supplements are:

Ashwagandha: This is known as one of the best herbs in Ayurveda and is used for a variety of disorders and is an herb that can massively improve the general metabolism of the human body. Studies have shown that Ashwagandha has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit the body and also help improve strength, vigor, and vitality to a large extent. This wonder herb is beneficial for athletes as it helps with the respiratory system and increases stamina levels.

Kaunch Beej: Kaunch beej works as an aphrodisiac and helps in increasing sexual desire. It helps to improve sperm count and motility. It also helps to increase the production and quantity of semen. Apart from this, Kaunch beej helps reduce physiological stress and improves semen quality.

Vidharikand: Vidarikand is beneficial in improving sexual performance due to its aphrodisiac activity. It increases the hormone testosterone levels in men, which helps enhance the production of sperm. Vidarikand helps reduce the symptoms of sexual weakness and improves sexual health.

Malkangani Beej: This is also referred to as ‘early discharge or premature ejaculation. Taking Malkangani helps to correct male sexual dysfunction and also improves stamina. This is due to its Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) property.  

Shatavari: Shatavari is a well-documented herb in the ancient scripture — the Vedas. It is said in the scripture that Shatavari has the power to cure a hundred diseases. Proven benefits include it being an excellent booster for vigor and vitality. Shatavari is also a great way to boost immunity and free the mind of unnecessary stress, thereby increasing stamina and energy.

Safed Musli:  This herb is usually associated with the brain, memory, and sharpening. The benefits of musli include improving muscular coordination, amplifying energy levels, and keeping the individual alert. But studies have found that it is also a great way to beat fatigue if taken in the proper dosage daily.

Men’s Care With Lake Ayurveda:

Rediscover your vigor, energy, and vitality with Lake Ayurveda men’s health supplements. The naturally formulated range of Lake Ayurveda men’s health products from Lake Ayurveda offers a helpful alternative to overcome issues commonly associated with men’s health. Maintaining the vitality and overall health of the reproductive system helps keep up the energy levels in the body and especially keeps the balance of the nervous system intact. Many herbs help in maintaining natural stamina. This works because the herbs help enhance the Ojas in the body, thereby increasing energy throughout. Lake Ayurveda uses the correct nature herbs to develop a range of effective Lake Ayurveda men’s health remedies.

Lake Ayurveda extracts the plan’s active elements to preserve the balance in which they exist in nature, resulting in products with superior bioavailability and thus are more effective than usual plant-based medicines.

Dosage: Take 2-5 gm powder at bedtime with warm water or as directed by the physician.